X-Caliber Tactical and the Strafer are featured on Defense Review in an article dated entitled " P3 Strafer MK4 Mod 0 Less-Lethal Machine Gun/Weapon System". X-Caliber Tactical is pleased to announce the availability of Trijicon products. X-Caliber Tactical is pleased to announce the availability of Aimpoint products. We've posted a new Airsoft training video on the main Airsoft page. X-Caliber Tactical is pleased to announce the availability of the new Pipers Precision Products RSG-2. The article can also be seen at the Guns and Weapons Online site. X-Caliber Tactical and the Strafer Mark 4 Model 1 will be featured in in the September 2009 issue of Guns and Weapons for Law Enforcement in an article entitled Alternative Force Weapons. We also will be attending the NTOA Conference in Tulsa, OK September 13-18, 2009. X-Caliber Tactical will be attending Trexpo East in Chantilly, VA August 19-20, 2009. SOCOM Gear Airsoft AEGs and Airsoft Spring Rifles.Echo 1 Airsoft AEGs, Airsoft Support Weapons, and Airsoft BBs.X-Caliber Tactical is pleased to announce the availability of the following product lines: E-mails and phone calls will be answered as quickly as possible upon our return.įrom Novemthrough December 25, 2009, we're offering a 15% Off Sale on the Strafer MK4 Mod 0 Less-Than-Lethal Weapon. We'll have the Minigun and several other airsoft examples. We will be at booth 25501, and we welcome all attendees to visit us there. 19-22 at the Sands Convention Center in Las Vegas, NV. We will be exhibiting at SHOT Show 2010, Jan. Hakkotsu Soundflash Style Spare Shell for Thunder B Sound Grenade.

Our 15% Off Sale on the Strafer MK4 Mod 0 Less-Than-Lethal Weapon has been extended until January 16, 2010. E-mails and phone calls will be answered as quickly as possible upon our return. We have the Minigun and several other airsoft examples on display. We are at booth 25501, and we welcome all attendees to visit us there. We are exhibiting at SHOT Show 2010, Jan. X-Caliber Tactical is pleased to announce the availability of Mil-Spec Monkey patches and bracelets. Check it out on our M134A2 Vulcan Minigun page.Ģ5 new photos have been added to the RSG-2 product page, including several from the 2010 SHOT Show. It has never been fired, and has been stored in a gun safe by the original owner. We have a certified pre-owned Airsoft M-134A1 Vulcan Minigun available for sale. M2 HB 6mm Electric / Gas Airsoft in the Works!.MK19 Belt-Fed Grenade Launcher Non-Firing Static Dummy Models Available.M2 HB Belt-Fed Machine Gun Non-Firing Static Dummy Models Available.Classic Army M-134A2 Vulcan Miniguns available for pre-order.We highly recommended interested parities to contact us at or call 51 for all inquiries. Just because you don't see it here doesn't mean it doesn't exist or we cannot supply it. Related AboveTopSecret.Over the next few weeks, X-Caliber Tactical will be drastically updating the website with more information and more unique products.
(visit the link for the full newsarticle) The Strafer's maximum engagement range is 125 yards. And, you can effectively engage those littlewhipper-snappers from a distance of 75 yards. 177/4.5mm or 6mm polymer BBs at 250-625 FPS (Feet Per Second) and 9,000-10,500 RPM (Rounds Per Minute-which translates to150-175 rounds per second-out of a 7,200-96,000-round hopper might just be the ticket for ya'. If you've got a G8 summit meeting or some other globalization orsymbol-of-government-authority-and-control event coming to your town, and you're worried about the usual contingent of crazy, violentrock-and-molotov-cocktail-throwing leftist/anarchist rioters, the appropriately-named Strafer MK4 MOD 0 CO2-powered less-lethal weapon system/machinegun (airsoft-type) firing. This thing's got 'riot control' written all over it. P3 Strafer MK4 Mod 0 Less-Lethal Weapon System Including a previous thread I made in relation to newair-tasers technology.(visit the link for the full news article). Although I would choose the mini-gun.I've included a few various articles relating to the use of non-lethal weapon systems.